Ethical hacking is a legal hacking performed by Ethical Hackers of companies to find the potential threats and loopholes on their systems. Ethical Hackers various techniques to hack the system. This is done to find the weak entry points in the organizations’ system or the software that make it possible for an intruder to enter. Finding this will help the company to know about their system’s loopholes and promote security essentials. Ethical Hackers are greatly in demand in today’s industry. Equip more about Ethical Hacking Tools through Ethical Hacking Course in Chennai and get your certification. Getting a certification will pave the way for a better career. Learn about Ethical Hacking Tools here


Network Mapper, shortly called Nmap is a network scanner that scans the services and hosts present in the network by sending and receiving the network packets. By examining the received packet and its response time, the open ports and hosts available on the network are identified. It is also an open-source highly preferred for network mapping.


Metasploit is a cyber-security project that came up with a popular framework called Metasploit which allows ethical hackers to write, run and execute exploits. It allows hacking professionals to perform penetration testing and execute local attacks using different tools to identify vulnerabilities. This tool supports major OS such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Join Ethical Hacking Online Course to explore more about this tool.


When the penetration testers face any problem with their tools they use this Wireshark to trace and identify the problem. This tool is specially used by network administrators for the troubleshooting process. It is open-source that supports a wide range of network protocols and runs on all the major OS. It performs packet sniffing and gives all the details related to the network packets traveling to and from the system. Enroll in an Ethical Hacking course in Coimbatore to get a wonderful future.


It is a good network interceptor and also a packet sniffer commonly used on LAN Networks. It is generally preferred by hackers to test man-in-the-middle attacks.

John the Ripper

This is one of the commonly used password crackers that have automated functions and hash identifiers to break the password. It uses the brute force technique to break and decipher the password. It is widely used by white hat hackers to identify weak passwords and relatively strengthen their password protection.

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