German Classes in Chennai

Difference Between English and German

Comparing a language to your own is among the best ways to learn about it. German was the mother tongue of English. Thus there are many more parallels between the two languages than differences. Your ability to learn German more rapidly will depend on your awareness of these differences. To learn German, join German Classes in Chennai at FITA Academy and upgrade your Language proficiency. Although mastering grammar is not the most exciting part of learning German, understanding the differences between English and German helps learners memorize more vocabulary words quicker.

Nouns and Articles

For an English speaker, the fact that each article in the German language has many translations is extraordinary. German has three article genders, compared to the two found in most European languages. You will benefit significantly from using applications as it will take some time to know which of the three articles to utilize for each noun. It would help if you tried to avoid feeling self-conscious when speaking. It also helps you realize how fortunate you are to be able to speak English.

Capitalizing Nouns

German capitalizes all nouns; English only does this for proper nouns. This makes it very simple to recognize the nouns in any sentence, but it also makes writing it slightly more complex. Naturally, this difference does not impact spoken German; in the beginning, you will spend far more time reading and writing than speaking. You can concentrate on capitalized words and focus on the articles before them as you read the material.

Changing Articles Based on Case

Finding out a noun’s gender is just the start. The difficulty arises when you understand that each article varies depending on the situation. Four cases are present:

  • Nominative
  • Accusative
  • Dative
  • Genitive

In addition to having gendered articles, plural nouns have their article that varies depending on the case. Articles will take up most of your study time more than any other aspect of studying German. To learn every aspect of the German language, join German Language Course Online and become an expert in German.

No Silent Letters

English spelling may be easier to learn than other languages, but those silent letters can still make it very challenging. German spelling is simple to learn. Silent letters are absent from them. When a word begins with a K, like a knee, you pronounce the K; it is not silent. Additionally, the E at the end of a word is not silent.

Dealing with Cognates

Words with similar sounds but differing definitions are said to be cognates. German does have many words that are very similar to English words. 

Wollen is among the best examples. People frequently mistakenly assume that “Ich will…” when conjugated, means “I will….” Wollen is the German word for “want,” so “Ich will…” actually means “I want…” Remember this and check the definitions of words as you learn them rather than assuming you know what they mean because they sound similar to English words.


German does not jumble up words like English does. Except for instructions, every phrase starts with a conjugated verb as the second word. The sentence ends with every additional verb. Because of this, it is simple to determine a sentence’s action at first and to figure out the rest later. It is a little more challenging to know what to do when speaking.

While focusing on the difference between English and German can help you feel more at ease with the other features that are the same. It will get simpler to adapt to these variations with time. Practising at least a little bit each day is the most excellent approach to begin adjusting to the variations. To speak like a native German Speaker, join German Classes In Bangalore and improve your chances of working abroad.

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